Saturday 3 August 2013

Accident -


It comes without an alert, has a supersonic speed
No known purpose of visit, without a specific need
People say mind is the fastest of them all,
'Accident' however is the swiftest recall.

Faster than the mind, like we have never thought
Middle of our dreams, we are recklessly caught
Mercy, it has none, returns again and again,
It never loses the battle, nothing it has to gain.

It comes without notice, signal, or sign
Can we say, let it come, will we be fine?
What is its magnitude, size or its shape?

Scale, meter, unknown, measured with a tape?

Appears with a super speed ; how,where and why?
'I saw you on my way today, so just passing by' !

It may caused by carelessness, other times by a chance,
Hits us hard with its claws, in a sharply prance.

It takes us as a surprise, a witness of a cruel time,
Keeps it secret like a plan,we always look dumb and mime,
Our dark side of human life, is an accident at sight
I wish you all good luck, every day and night !

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