[Today is the International Unfriend Day. Let us remove all the people whom we really do not know from our friend’s list. We are what we are because of our friends and company we keep & share. There are opportunists around us who may use us to gain their selfish motive. We never know who really our friends are if we allow everyone to intrude into our life. We become what we choose and we choose what we are. The nature of friends we associate tells us back what nature we have. Let all the friendship in the world start from a selfless, a generous motive and with a good heart, energy and spirit. ]
Surround in progress - a special kind
Grow with a light from small & blind,
Quietly feel the breadth we greet
Friendly affection frequently meet !
Neighbor relations, we play and grow
Closer acquaintance the more we know.
Hearts are shared, when open our thought
Drop in a ocean or a value of a dot.
Feel the rocks, wind, animals, tree
Open your eyes wide, wisdom to see

Who am I and meaning of we?
Divine yet complete to set us free.
Respect, conduct - while we admire
Strength of our will to ignite the fire!
Virtues from sorrows, depressing sin
We trust and build to arise within !
Dedication, discipline learnt from the love
Affection, emotion that we’re passionate of
We build our height & climb together
Rise & fall but float of a feather!
A quest in a seeker, path of a doer
Devotion, a star, seen in a fewer
Thinker I am, so is my friend,
Universal truth, what a new trend.
Jiggle & giggle makes us alive
Together exists, to cuddle our hive
Rely on firm & comforting bath
Journey to take-up a lonely path
We meet the group, whom we are
Socially, consciously, near & far!
Desires are shallow, tend to cheat
We are, what we think, we eat !

We spring & fall, winter we hide
Summer is warm, we show our pride
Friends are those who help you grow
Not all same but whom you know.
Follow your heart where-ever you go
Count on true. while high and low.
Path of the evils & good are cared
Attitude, morals, actions shared !
Multiply potential, speech, embrace
Likable are those, do not digress!

Connecting words, sentences we think,
Flow of the rivers, inhale, we blink !
Higher we grow and perceive we deep
Friends are forever, company we keep !
-Ananta Risal [17th Nov 2010 International Unfriend Day]
Grow with a light from small & blind,
Quietly feel the breadth we greet
Friendly affection frequently meet !
Neighbor relations, we play and grow
Closer acquaintance the more we know.
Hearts are shared, when open our thought
Drop in a ocean or a value of a dot.
Feel the rocks, wind, animals, tree
Open your eyes wide, wisdom to see
Who am I and meaning of we?
Divine yet complete to set us free.
Respect, conduct - while we admire
Strength of our will to ignite the fire!
Virtues from sorrows, depressing sin
We trust and build to arise within !
Dedication, discipline learnt from the love
Affection, emotion that we’re passionate of
We build our height & climb together
Rise & fall but float of a feather!
A quest in a seeker, path of a doer
Devotion, a star, seen in a fewer
Thinker I am, so is my friend,
Universal truth, what a new trend.
Jiggle & giggle makes us alive
Together exists, to cuddle our hive
Rely on firm & comforting bath
Journey to take-up a lonely path
We meet the group, whom we are
Socially, consciously, near & far!
Desires are shallow, tend to cheat
We are, what we think, we eat !
We spring & fall, winter we hide
Summer is warm, we show our pride
Life is beautiful & so is you
No favors to pay, none are due!
No favors to pay, none are due!
Friends are those who help you grow
Not all same but whom you know.
Follow your heart where-ever you go
Count on true. while high and low.
Path of the evils & good are cared
Attitude, morals, actions shared !
Multiply potential, speech, embrace
Likable are those, do not digress!
Connecting words, sentences we think,
Flow of the rivers, inhale, we blink !
Higher we grow and perceive we deep
Friends are forever, company we keep !
-Ananta Risal [17th Nov 2010 International Unfriend Day]
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